Thursday, June 13, 2013

Imaginary Friends

I had an imaginary lunch date today. I have an imaginary lunch date on most Thursdays. Her name is Mallory and I order her a water. Mallory doesn't eat. At least not at lunch. She is fasting at lunch time. Truth. 

Every week I have a standing lunch date with my very good friend, Mallory. She is my humor soul mate. Dry, witty and a certain amount of intelligence. I once had a dream that Mallory was having a baby and naming it Cayenne. She got really mad at me because it was pronounced "Michelle" and not cayenne as a normal person would interpret. I was mispronouncing it in the dream.  This about sums up Mallory to me. I believe that everyone has one story that perfectly describes then. When I told Mallory about my dream she went on to tell me about how she is "Mallory Cartwright" in the MC yearbook. Her real name is Mallory Carter but she somehow convinced the yearbook people you pronounce "Cartwright" as "Carter". This story is perfect Mallory. Totally unsuspecting hilariousness. 

So like most Thursdays I enter the Mexican restaurant alone. I get a table for two. I order coke for myself and water for my imaginary friend. I like to point to the empty seat across the table just to make it extra confusing for the waiter. Then the waiter brings our drinks and I order the Speedy Gonzales. As usual I let the waiter know my "friend" won't be eating anything today. And thus my standing lunch date proceeds. 

Is she real or a figment of my imagination? Who knows? I eat lunch with her weekly. Or do I? 

Yes, she is real. We speak mostly in acronym. We just get each other. So while most of my posts seem to have some moral of sorts. This is just to talk about friendship. Awkward, loving, so incredibly blessed friendship. Because God gave me friends like Mallory who get my humor, friends like Lauren who have been through everything with me and can pick up anywhere after any length of time, and Lindsey and Nikki and Katy and Elaine and on and on and on. #blessed


  1. Have you ever considered that I might not be real? Maybe "Cazador" is really just an old abandoned store and people at Fleet Feet wonder why this girl with the curly hair constantly goes in there?
