Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Mother's Day 2013

Random bursts of tears at public places are completely normal for me.  And while these crying spurts have become fewer and far between recently, they still happen. I can't really pinpoint what causes these random crying spurts. Sometimes it's all out sobbing and I have to run to the restroom and other times it just moist eyes that I can hide under my sunglasses.  My A&P professor told me that he could sometimes see moments of pain on my face in class. (After being basically the worst student ever I confessed my sob story to him after class earlier in the semester.)  

I'm currently sitting outside Another Broken Egg waiting for a table. My parents went to church and I came here to get our name on the list. I haven't been able to feel comfortable going to any church for a while now. And that makes me sad. So I sit here alone with nothing to do but think. And my eyes well up with tears for no particular reason. Thank goodness for sunglasses. I'm thinking about leaving, running home to my bed and curling up with Sally for the rest of the day. And then a coworker of a friend recognizes me. And I'm forced to put on my happy face...

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